Despair, Deception, Denial
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 27, 2019. Babies suffering from operable defects are left to die untreated in hospitals. The sick and elderly are eyed for assisted deaths because they no longer have a "reasonable quality of life" or they've become emotional or financial burdens. A number of states have legalized physician-assisted suicide. In Belgium recently, a 17-, 11- and 9-year old were euthanized. And, of course, the legalized killing of the unborn continues unabated in this country. Why do people find such murderous practices attractive? Why do so many believe they have a moral obligation to actually kill someone who suffers? How is it that the commandment that forbids killing has been turned on its head? Listen to find out why and what God's people should do in this "culture of death."
Despair_Deception_Denial.mp3 |