The promise of Christ to build his church remains unshaken from the 1st century Antioch to 21st century America. But is the culture making pagans or the church
making disciples? Is the church in crisis or in Christ? What in the world do we do?
A study series of The Psalms by Pastor Andrew Beebe
Worship is the hardest thing to maintain in a fallen world in our fallen flesh. The Psalms will set your eyes upon Christ and direct your worship in light of the every day troubles of the Christian.
15th Annual Bible Conference
Guest Speaker: Dr. James Grier
In this Series, Dr Grier discusses Building a Christian worldview for life.
Various special services featuring music (e.g. Christmas and Easter cantatas).
The final words of Jesus before ascending to heaven was to instruct believers to "go and make disciples", baptizing them and teaching them all that Jesus commanded. Scripture gives us much needed guidance as to the role of the church in fulfilling the commission from the Lord. Who sends? Who goes? We have not been left to guess at the answers to those questions. The local church has everything it needs to step up and be the sending church God has already decided it should be. That's exciting!
Guest speaker: Pastor Paul Craig
Sunday In Systematics: The Water That Divides- A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism
A six week Afternoon Lecture Series.
The Water that Divides, The Case for Paedobaptism is the first series in the larger series of Sunday afternoon systematic theology topics. Pastor Tim Pasma explains the reformed church and non-reformed church practices of infant baptism and uses the Bible to make a case for credo-baptism (more commonly known as beliver's baptism).
Christ is, where He has always been, the Lord over all creation and the God of all comfort, who providentially protects and guides us in all times of crises.
From Philippians 4. Guest speaker Dr. Lance Quinn.
Faithful Christians confess glorious things about the Bible: that it is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative. It is sometimes easy to forget that such a profound book is also practically relevant for the gritty details of human life. In this four part series, Dr. Heath Lambert will share how the profound truths of God’s Word in the Bible explode with relevance for the practical details of life.
The Book of Hebrews is a "giant" of a book in the Bible. It gives us a theology of Jesus magnificent in its scope and deep in its reach to the human heart. But God did not give us Hebrews merely as a systematic study of Christ. He gave us this truth to change you- to increase your faithfulness and to give you assurance. Join us as we explore the depth of our salvation in Jesus and how that truth ought to change you.
Do you struggle with fear? Do you find yourself overwhelmed with anxiety? Many of God's people admit that these are some of their greatest struggles. It was bad enough before, but now with this pandemic and the streets of our cities in chaos, they find fear and anxiety consuming them. Join us in this series as Pastor Tim explores what the God says about these ever-present foes and how you can find hope in fighting them.
In this summer mini-series, titled Warnings From Our Past, Pastor Tim takes an excursion into the book of Numbers.
In his first letter to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul points back to several Old Testament stories, telling his audience that "these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did".
Likewise, through a New Testament perspective, we have much to learn from the ancient accounts recorded in Numbers.
This advent season we will examine Psalm 2 as it describes for us Christ, the King.
Cheering Champions to the Finish is a study of the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Thessalonica. Paul's letter of encouragement to these faithful saint also has a lot to say to us today.