Everyone loves a story, and nobody employed the use of storytelling in teaching better than Jesus. Of His many parables, perhaps none is more well-known than the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It's unparalleled in so many ways, not the least of which is the enduring impact it has on people's lives over thousands of year. Join us as we take a close look at the story, the characters, and the profound impact this simple yet profound story has on our lives as we explore what it means to be lost and found.

March 22-24


Supper will be served at 5:30 before the Friday evening session.  Session 1 begins at 7:00.


Breakfast is available on Saturday at 8:45. Session 2 begins at 9:30, session 3 at 10:45.


Sunday School is at 9:30.  Session 4 and morning worship begins at 10:30.  Join Pastor LaRuffa at the Sunday afternoon dessert and hear his personal testimony.  Lunch commences at 12:30.



Banner for 30th Annual Bible Conference