When Scripture talks about Jesus as the mediator between God and man it describes that role in terms of three "offices".  He has been appointed as prophet, priest, and king for the Church.  In this series, "The Offices of Christ", learn more about how Jesus fulfills those offices and why they are necessary for us.


The stock price of friendship has plummeted in our culture, both outside and inside the church.  The Bible has lots to say about friendship, all without "just" or "only" attached to it.  As we open God's Word together, we'll see how the Gospel provides unique opportunity for our relationships to perhaps be very different from what typically comes to our mind when we say we're "just friends."

Guest speaker: Pastor Peter LaRuffa


Parenting in Perilous Times: How to Raise Children in a Culture Gone Wild.

Raising children these days is not easy.  The world is changing so rapidly that the ways of raising children we learned seem irrelevant.  Confusion abounds.   Many parents are paralyzed, not knowing what to do.  Yet we can find  answers that are relevant, clear and helpful. 


Understanding the Trinity is critical to understanding God and the gospel. In this mini-series, Pastor Tim Pasma explains the three persons of the trinity.


What do you think is supremely valuable?  What do you spend your energies pursuing?  What should you pursue with all your might?  Jesus gives you clear answers.  He doesn't leave you in the dark about those most important questions.  In this multi-part series, Pastor Tim helps us understand Loving God & Loving Your Neighbor.


Advent Sermons for 2017


PART I - The Messiah I Never Knew: Old Testament Narratives Seeking to be Heard

While 1 Samuel describes David as "a man according to God's heart," both liberal and conservative interpreters have found cause to denigrate David's character, regarding him as a weak monarch at best, at worst a conniving tyrant who used propaganda to leave a false legacy. However, if we properly understand how 1-2 Samuel works, we will see that some of the very features that have been held up as evidence of David's weakness are those in which God's character shines forth most powerfully. This series demonstrates how the books of 1 and 2 Samuel function to present a model messiah, giving hope for the believer in every generation. It further demonstrates that Jesus is the Great Messiah precisely because he is like David.

Part II - Church Ministry After Obergefell

In June 2016 the United States Supreme Court in Obergefell et al, v. Hodges, Director, Ohio Department of Health et al legalized same-sex marriage in the United States.  Though it did not directly or immediately affect the Church the future implications of this decision could be profound and pervasive.  We will be looking at how this decision impacts the Church and how we should prepare.



The greatest joys you will have in life will probably involve your children and/or grandchildren.  The greatest heartaches you will have in your life will probably involve your children and/or grandchildren.  Wise is the person who pays attention to parent-child relationships!  Even wiser is the person who seeks wisdom from God.

Guest speakers: Randy and Cindy Patten


What Would You Do?

If another believer came to you depressed, under a burden of guilt and shame, near a breakdown, struggling with panic attacks, overcome with grief, with marital strife, near suicide or any other difficulty, would you know what to do according to God's Word?

The Bible has answers for life!  Come learn what thousands of other believers have discovered:  the Word of God is superior to the world's philosophies and methods for addressing the overwhelming issues of life.

An Answer

LaRue Baptist Church is offering 30 hours of instruction in Biblical counseling including topics such of marriage, addiction, depression, anger and more!  Come learn how the Scripture addresses the deepest problems we face.



Making Decisions as a Christian is a challenging endeavor to say the least. So many options at times and one wonders what God’s will is and how can I know for sure. This conference will attempt to help the believer to grow his faith in this area of the Christian Life.

Guest speaker: Dr. Stuart Scott


Can you parent the “right” way? You can if you understand what the Bible says about this important part of life. You are surrounded by competing philosophies telling you how to raise your children. God hasn’t left us in the dark when it comes to the “right” way. Follow this six week series to learn about godly parenting on Sunday nights.


Pastor Tim Pasma begins an expository study of Genesis in this series beginning April 27th. Listen and hear what this ancient book has to say to us in the 21st century. Although written centuries ago, it is God's Word, useful for teaching, convicting, correcting and training in righteousness. Join us on the journey.


The Bible does not use the word "member" in our relationship to the local church. Instead it talks about "submisison," "authority," "dependence," "intimacy" and "preparation." In this three part series, Pastor Tim Pasma challenges us to think biblically about church membership.


Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..." James 1.19

The way we communicate exposes who we are and where we are in life. It has tremendous impact on our lives and on those with and about whom we are communicating. In this series of studies our goal will be to understand what God wants, where we fail and how we can communicate in a God-honoring way.

Guest speaker: Dr. Nicolas Ellen


In this three week series by Pastor Josh Hause, we journey through the Order of Salvation. Listen in to reflect on and rejoice in the amazing things our Creator has done to redeem His people from sin!


Who is Jesus? That is the question. A writer by the name of John answers that question in his Gospel. John clearly believes Jesus is God in the Flesh. Then, for 20 chapters, John unpacks the evidence for his conclusion. As he does, he marvelously allows you and I, as the readers, to enter into all kinds of encounters with Jesus as well as witness a variety of responses people had to Jesus. John concludes with the Big Question.... What do you think about Jesus? Who do you say He is?

Guest speaker: Pastor Paul Phillips


19th Annual Bible Conference

While we may think that our modern day battle against falsehood and deception is new, it isn’t. Ever since Eden, deception and truth twisting are part and parcel of our human existence and it is our charge to be on guard against it. We must first understand where the truth lies and then stand up for its content. The faces and names may change over history, but there is truly nothing new under the sun.
Our speaker, Eddie Exposito, pastor of Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Slidell, Louisiana, founded Homeland Missions in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Over the years Homeland Missions has ministered to the needs of the disadvantaged and impoverished in the greater New Orleans area as well as training churches from across the United States in mercy ministries.

  • Sunday AM – Standing Firm - Matthew 22:31
    Understanding our foundation – the biblical necessity of Sola Scriptura   
    Sunday PM – We Must Listen – 2 Thessalonians 2.15
    Reflecting upon the historical church record of endurance and perseverance in the truth
  • Monday – He Just Mite Get Angry
    A look at Christ’s response to false teachers   
  • Tuesday – Bewitched!
    The apostolic response
  • Wednesday – Pulpit Pimps, Posers and False Prophets
    Identifying Modern Day Wolves 

A series of sermons/lectures discussing Godly Parenting.


17th Annual Bible Conference
Guest Speaker: Pastor Mark Webb

In this Series, Pastor Webb uses 1 John to describe Walking In The Light.
The sermons that are in this series are:

  • Walking In Light
  • Walking In Holiness
  • Walking in Love
  • Walking in Truth
  • Walking In God's Testimony

Lessons from the book of Ruth.

The Bible talks a lot about God’s glory. We are told that we should glorify God in all we do. But what is the glory of God? And where can you see it? And what would you think if someone told you that God seeks to glorify himself? There’s more to this than many people think. Listen in to learn about God’s glory.

This is an informal Sunday evening study series.